Díli, 02/03/2023, Ekipa Bee Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (BTL, E.P) hosi Departamentu Aprovizionamentu hala'o prebid meeting ho kompañia sira, kona-bá projetu Provision of Security Services for Office BTL, E.P and Reservoir Tanks in 11 Municipality (12 Months). Prebid meeting ne’e, realiza iha salaun enkontru, edifísiu BTL, E.P sentrál, Caicoli.
Prebid meeting ne’e rasik, hodi ko’alia kona-bá prosesu kontinuasaun ba oin, molok implementa projetu ne’e.
Entretantu orsamentu ne’ebé prevé ba projetu Provision of Security Services for Office BTL, E.P and Reservoir Tanks in 11 Municipality (12 Months) ne'e ho montante $ 201,600.00
Entretantu Prebid meeting no site visit ne'e, hanesan mandatória iha dokumentu konkursu ba projetu sira hotu.
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