
BTL, E.P Enkontru ho JICA kona-bá Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of BTL, E.P

Díli, 27/07/2023. Prezidente Komisaun Ezekutiva (KE) Bee Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (BTL, E.P), Eng. Carlos Peloi dos Reis, akompaña hosi Vise- Prezidente KE BTL, E.P ba Asuntu Sistema Bee, Saneamentu no Drenajen, Vise- Prezidente KE BTL, E.P ba Asuntu Boa Governasaun no Fortalesimentu Institusionál ho ekipa enkontru ho ekipa hosi parseiru Japan International Cooperation Agency-JICA, iha salaun enkontru edifísiu sentrál BTL, E.P, Caicoli, Díli.

Reuniaun ne’e ba daneen, hodi ko’alia ou atualiza kona-bá Project for Improvement of Water Supply Management of BTL, E.P liuhosi JICA nia asisténsia téknika, durante tinan ida nia laran, hahú hosi tinan 2022 to’o 2023 ne’e. Liu-liu ba iha parte Diresaun Operasaun no Manutensaun (DOM) nian, Departamentu Apoiu Kliente no Departamentu Rekursu Umanu nian. Liuhosi servisu hamutuk entre BTL, E.P ho parseiru JICA iha Timor-Leste, durante ne’e.  

Alende ne’e, iha output balun ne’ebé mak sai hanesan foku ba JICA, hodi fó asisténsia téknika ba BTL, E.P hanesan, human resource development plan by occupational category is established, BTL’s capacity  on customer management is improved, BTL’s capacity on the monitoring of water supply service is strengthened, BTL’s capacity to manage water distribution is improved nomos BTL’s capacity to efficiently operate and maintainance water treatment plant is improved. Inklui servisu pilotu iha bee moos no hadi’a WTP sira inklui halo mos monitorizasaun ba sistema bee.

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