Díli, 14/02/2023, Prezidente Komisaun Ezekutiva (KE) Bee Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (BTL, E.P) Eng. Carlos Peloi dos Reis akompaña hosi Diretór DOM hamutuk ho PMU BTL, E.P enkontru koordenasaun ho Banku Mundiál, ADB no iña ministeriál sira hanesan MF, Gabinete MOP rasik, ADN, CAN, ANLA, SGP no ANAS, I.P kona-bá Dili Water Supply Project nomos projetu ba munisípiu haat (Baucau, Lautém, Manufahi no Viqueque). Sorumutu ne’e lidera hosi Prezidente KE BTL, E.P no realiza iha salaun enkontru MOP, Caicoli.
Objetivu hosi reuniaun koordenasaun ne’e, hodi atualiza progresu hosi prosesu tomak kona-bá Dili Urban Water Supply Project and The 4 Municipal Capital Water Supply and Sanitation Project nian, ba entidade sira, atu sira bele akompaña no hatene prosesu ne’e rasik. No bele hatene ida-idak nia servisu, tanba projetu ida ne’e iha servisu relevante hosi ministériu ida-idak.
Durante iha enkontru koordenasaun ne’e, parte BTL, E.P halo mos aprezentasaun kona-bá dezeñu hosi Dili Urban Water Supply Project and The 4 Municipal Capital Water Supply and Sanitation Project nian, atu entidade sira ne’ebé partisipa iha sorumutu ne’e, bele hato’o sira nia komentáriu, sujestaun ou apiniaun sira ligadu ba aprezentasaun refere.
Alende ne’e, hafoin aprezentasaun entidade balun kestiona mos kona-bá tempu implementasaun ba projetu refere nomos hato’o rekomendasaun balun relasiona ho aprezentasaun refere. Tanba ne’e, ho komentáriu, opiniaun no rekomendasaun hirak hosi entidade sira, bele tulun, hodi aselera prosesu hirak ne’e, nune’e bele hakat faze sira tuir mai, molok implementa.
Sorumutu ne’e, deskute mos kona-bá tópiku sira hanesan, The environmental Categorisation for Dili Water Project, Completion of PAM $ POM for Dili, Resettlement Action Plan for Dili and Municipal Capitals, DED TOR for 6 Municipal Capitals, Recruitment of Consultant and Procurement of Civil Work Contractor no ikus liu kona-bá TOR for Dili Water Resources Study (ANAS, I.P).
Entretantu Municipal Capital Water Supply and Sanitation Project ba munisípiu haat nian, submete ona ba ADN hodi halo verifikasaun finál, hafoin remata mak foin submete fila-fali ba CAFI, hodi halo diskusaun, hafoin mak hakat ba faze aprovizionamentu nian. Enkuantu Dili Urban Water Supply Project nian, daudaun ne’e iha ona faze DED.
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