
Be’e Timor Leste, E.P here by given notice of its intent to award the following contract :

Nu Tender Number Description Name of Service Provider Contract Ammount ($) Total Combined Score Download
1 RFP/BTL,E.P/220099 Provision of External Auditing Firm for BTL, E.P Primo's Bo’ot Unipessoal, Lda $ 20,000.00 82.50
2 RFQ/BTL,E.P/220100 Provision of Internet Provider Services for BTL, E.P Telkomunikasi Indonesia Internasional (TL) S.A $ 26,750.00 79.20
3 NCB/BTL,E.P/220093 Provision of Security Services for BTL, E.P, Pump Station, Reservoir Tanks (12 Months) Pax Protector Unipesoal Lda $ 378,000.00 443.60
4 NCB/BTL,E.P/220064 Konstrusaun Fornesimentu Sistema Bee Moos ba P.A Zumalai, Munisípiu Covalima Mamatelu Tuniva Unipesoal Lda $ 419,349.04 425.84
5 NCB/BTL,E.P/220050 Konstrusaun Fornesimentu Sistema Bee Moos, P.A Ossu, Munisípiu Viqueque CDFG Unipessoal Lda $ 421,903.57 428.96
6 RFQ/BTL,E.P/220101 Provision of Cleaning Service at Office BTL, E.P in Dili and BTL, E.P Representative Office in Municipalities (12 months) Nelces Unipessoal Lda $ 75,300.00 266.20
7 NCB/BTL,E.P/220068 Supply Urban Water Equipment for BTL, E.P Lulynha Unipessoal Lda $ 235,250.00 488.00
8 NCB/BTL,E.P/220009 Cleaning of Drainage in Greater Dili City Area Nelces Unipessoal Lda $ 249,983.72 426.80
9 RFQ/BTL,E.P/2200785 Supply and Delivery of Chemical for BTL, E.P Loja Lidwi Lda $ 84,375.00 82.00
10 NCB/BTL,E.P/220059 Pakote Supply & Installation Prefabricated Liner Tank P.A Maubara, Munisípiu Liquiça Kuapali Unipessoal Lda $ 196,970.58 426.20
