
Be’e Timor Leste, E.P here by given notice of its intent to award the following contract :

Nu Tender Number Description Name of Service Provider Contract Ammount ($) Total Combined Score Download
1 OCB/BTL,E.P/240028 Pakote Supply and Installation Prefabricated Liner Tank P.A Fatumea Vila Municipio Covalima Liquadan Unip. Lda $ 262,888.14 443.61
2 OCB/BTL,E.P/240025 Pakote Supply and Installation Prefabricated Liner Tank P.A Lolotoe Municipio Bobonaro Aries Unip. Lda $ 123,153.11 456.80
3 OCB/BTL,E.P/240022 Melloramentu Sistema Estasaun Tratamentu Agua Residuais (ETAR), PA Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquiça Haksolok HJM Unip. Lda $ 133,706.63 464.24
4 OCB/BTL,E.P/230025 Melloramentu fornesimentu sistema bee moos iha PA Lautém (Moru) Munisípiu Lautém May Moco Unipessoal Lda $ 636,480.50 476.03
5 OCB/BTL,E.P/230009 Konstrusaun Sistema Bee Mos iha PA Hatolia A Munisipiu Ermera Johju Bias Muas Unip. Lda $ 620,193.36 431.48
6 OCB/BTL,E.P/230019 Melloramentu Sistema Bee Mos iha PA Balibo Munisipiu Bobonaro Leo Hara Unip.Lda $ 677,781.20 439.40
7 OCB/BTL,E.P/230011 Konstrusaun Sistema Bee Mos iha PA Hatolia B Munisipiu Ermera Cyrus Unip. Lda $ 424,515.42 474.20
8 OCB/BTL,E.P/230022 Melloramento Fornesimento Sistema Bee Mos iha PA Ilomar Munisipiu Lautem Marju Co, Lda $ 749,177.80 446.00
9 RFQ/BTL,E.P/240023 Supply and Delivery of Consumable office Supplies for BTL,EP Loja Lidwi, Lda $ 23,157.25
10 OCB/BTL,E.P/240012 Supply Material Laboratoriu no Reagente Sistema Tratamentu Etar Tibar (Retender) Nove de Gloria, Lda $ 128,230.95 474.00
