
Be’e Timor Leste, E.P here by given notice of its intent to award the following contract :

Nu Tender Number Description Name of Service Provider Contract Ammount ($) Total Combined Score Download
1 RFQ/BTL,E.P/240008 Peeriodic Maintenance & Repair and Supply Part for Motorcyles of BTL,E.P Kolotapi Unip,Lda $ 20,550.00
2 RFP/BTL,E.P/240011 Internet Services Provider for BTL,E.P Telkomnikasi Indonesia International(TL),S.A $ 25,740.00
3 OCB/BTL,E.P/240002 Suplay and Delivery of Chemical for BTL,EP Nove de Gloria Unip,Lda $ 161,600.00 424.91
4 RFQ/BTL,E.P/240005 Supply of ITC Equipment for BTL,EP Oesbo Unipessoal, Lda $ 71,860.00
5 OCB/BTL,E.P/230006 Supply Laboratory Equipment for Water Quality Test Greenbox Unip. Lda $ 158,866.00 441.80
6 RFQ/BTL,E.P/240010 Provision of Cleaning Service at Office of BTL in Dili and BTL Representative Office in Municipalities Nelces Unipessoal, Lda $ 77,280.00
7 OCB/BTL,E.P/240006 Provision of Security Services for BTL,EP Office, Pump Stations, Reservoir Tanks (12 Months) Pax Protector Unip. Lda $ 254,130.00 476.00
8 RFQ/BTL,E.P/240009 Provision of Cleaning Service at Public Toilet in Dili District Salima Unip. Lda $ 60,116.76
9 OCB/BTL,E.P/24/0003 Fuel Retailing Station for BTL,E.P Vehicles and Motorcycles (12 Months) Aitula Fuel`s, Lda $ 127,432.38 451.20
10 RFP/BTL,E.P/240004 Provision of Legal Services for BTL,EP CRA Timor Companhia de Representação e Advocacia,SA $ 110,000.00
