
Be’e Timor Leste, E.P here by given notice of its intent to award the following contract :

Nu Tender Number Description Name of Service Provider Contract Ammount ($) Total Combined Score Download
1 RFQ/BTL,E.P/240018 Supply and Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment Viyacio Unipessoal Lda $ 9,810.00
2 OCB/BTL,E.P/240016 Supply of Vehicles for BTL,EP 11 Municipalities and Dili Ceripakoi Unip. Lda $ 292,880.00 490.00
3 RFQ/BTL,E.P/20240020 Provision of External Auditing Firm Primo`s Boot Unipessoal Lda $ 32,500.00
4 OCB/BTL,E.P/240013 Pakote Supply and Installation Prefabricated Liner Tank P.A Maubisse Munisipiu Ainaro Boungenville Unipessoal Lda $ 105,129.26 434.60
5 OCB/BTL,E.P/240014 Pakote Supply and Installation Prefabricated Liner Tank P.A Fatuberlihu Municipio Manufahi Arlei Henlice Unipessoal,Lda $ 149,770.85 456.39
6 NCB/BTL,EP/220008 Pakote Supply & Installation Prefabricated Liner Tank Suco Mehara (PA Tutuala, Lautem) Suco Luro Lautem), PA Quelicai (Baucau), PA Metinaro (Dili) Paul Electric Unip. Lda $ 263,846.96
7 OCB/BTL,E.P/240015 Provision of Security Services for Office BTL,E.P and Reservoir Tank in 11 Municipality (12 Months) Gardamor Unipessoal, Lda $ 164,400.00
8 - Cementing Work for Salty well in Maubara H2O Pump & Power $ 5,105.10
9 OCB/BTL,E.PP/240007 Periodic Mantenance & Repair and Supply of Parts for Vehicles and Heavy Equipment for BTL,EP Auto Timor Leste,Lda $ 123,807.29
10 - Fornesimentu Material ba Melhoramento Sistema Bee Mos - O&M Holiwono Unip.Lda $ 5,000.00
