
Be’e Timor Leste, E.P here by given notice of its intent to award the following contract :

Nu Tender Number Description Name of Service Provider Contract Ammount ($) Total Combined Score Download
1 NCB/BTL,E.P/220058 Konstrusaun Sistema Bee Mos P.A Maubara Municipio Liquiça Quintas das Flores Unipessoal Lda $ 340,613.83 445.48
2 RFQ/BTL,E.P/2220063 Konstrusaun Uma Balkaun (Faze-1) Maliana Municipio Bobonaro Arlei Henlice Unipessoal Lda $ 57,382.68 84.00
3 RFP/BTL, E.P/220077 Provision of Legal Services for BTL, E.P CRA Timor $ 60,000.00 78.40
4 RFQ/BTL, E.P/220076 Provision of Cleaning Service at Public Toilet in Dili District Salima Unipessoal Lda $ 72,410.00 78.00
5 RFQ/BTL,E.P/200066 Supply Water Meter Brand ITRON & ONDA for BTL,E.P Greenbox Unipessoal Lda $ 56,625.00 70.91
6 NCB/BTL,E.P/200445 Pakote Suplay & Intallation Prefabricated Liner Tanks P.A. Fohorem Municipio COvalima (2 Liner Tanks with Capacity 26m3 1 Unit 58m3 1 Unit) Azra Unipessoal Lda $ 71,517.70 71.00
7 NCB/BTL,E.P/220040 Melloramentu Sistema Bee Moos ba iha Postu-Administrativu Lacluta Villa, Munisípiu Viqueque Timorindo Unipessoal Lda $ 582,519.25 441.56
8 NCB/BTL,E.P/220041 Pakote Supply & Installation Liner Tanks ba iha Postu-Administrativu Cailaco, Munisípiu Bobonaro Novalo Unipessoal Lda $ 139,445.01 425.94
9 NCB/BTL,E.P/220053 Melloramentu Sistema Fornesimentu Bee Moos iha Suai Vila, hosi Posu Perfurasaun Ladi no Sukabilaran II Jufado Unipessoal Lda $ 752,099.04 450.00
10 NCB/BTL,E.P/220038 Melloramentu Sistema Fornesimentu Bee Moos Postu-Administrativu Fohorem Munisípiu Covalima Roman Junior Unipessoal Lda $ 449,563.49 426.20
